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ضرورت برندسازی تولیدات طلای اصفهان
درجلسه کمیته فلزات وسنگ های گرانبها تاکید شد:

ضرورت برندسازی تولیدات طلای اصفهان

درجلسه کمیته فلزات و سنگ‌های گرانبها ذیل کمیسیون معادن اتاق بازرگانی اصفهان بر،برندسازی درحوزه طراحی وتولید طلا دراصفهان و پیشنهاد اختصاص روز طلا در تقویم کشور تاکید شد.

مخازن ذخیره آب خانگی را به صورت ماهیانه شست وشو کنید
توصیه آبفای استان اصفهان برای جلوگیری از تغییر طعم و بوی آب

مخازن ذخیره آب خانگی را به صورت ماهیانه شست وشو کنید

Stock Exchange market past to present

Stock Exchange market past to present

It was 47 years ago that stock exchange entered Iran. In fact, initial studies on the establishment of stock exchange in Iran had been date back to 1936. After a comprehensive and detailed analysis, Belgian “Ron Lotrefled “drafted the statute and internal regulations of exchange market and presented it to Iranian authorities but given the […]

National gambling class

National gambling class

Dr. Mohsen Renani : The Iranian banking system has worked hard for 40 years to make majority of the Iranian people a loan shark. It has used all available means to reconcile people with notions such as bank, interest, insurance and stock exchange with which they had problem before the Islamic revolution. weakening the hardworking […]

Stock exchange notes

Stock exchange notes

Darya Ghodrati pour : Good old days! when we wanted to buy a second-hand car we used to go to one of those used-car lots. Then there was an experienced man advised us that one should consider twenty factors to buy a car and we didn›t know with how many of those twenty factors we […]

Stock exchange will make companies visible

Stock exchange will make companies visible

Having mentioned that stock exchange can play an effective role in the economy, CEO of pars Holding said: Stock exchange will make companies visible and shed light on their different aspects including costs, revenues and so on. When a company enters stock exchange, visibility will increase and financial corruption will be prevented to a great […]

Economic game of these days

Economic game of these days

For the sake of a handful of exchange Dr.M. shekareesaz These days, we are in the company of stock market because of the capital that has been wandering so far and now is supposed to enter into the stock market. Now, whether we like it or not, stock exchange is viral in our daily conversations. […]

Stock market win-loss Dominoes

Stock market win-loss Dominoes

The capital market must be the mainstay to provide fixed capital and working capital for« ».private sector This is Farhad Dejpsand›s famous dialogue in the days when the excitement of the stock market shows upward trend and in his opinion this is an opportunity for private sector .investors He recently defended the performance of knowledge […]

Stock exchange notes

Stock exchange notes

Mohamad emami Good old days! when we wanted to buy a second-hand car we used to go to one of those used-car lots. Then there was an experienced man advised us that one should consider twenty factors to buy a car and we didn›t know with how many of those twenty factors we were familiar. […]

Hot topic of stock market

Hot topic of stock market

Darya Godratipour : Stock market is a talking point these days and if you pass by one the stock exchange brokers, you see a large of people waiting to register their exchange identification code. Now exchange market has the leading role in the economy and stock indicator suggests .an increasing trend pandemic has affected world’s […]