Stock exchange will make companies visible

  • کد خبر : 890
  • ۳۱ خرداد ۱۳۹۹ - ۱۸:۱۸
Stock exchange will make companies visible

Having mentioned that stock exchange can play an effective role in the economy, CEO of pars Holding said: Stock exchange will make companies visible and shed light on their different aspects including costs, revenues and so on. When a company enters stock exchange, visibility will increase and financial corruption will be prevented to a great […]

  • Having mentioned that stock exchange can play an effective role in the economy, CEO of pars Holding said: Stock exchange will make companies visible and shed light on their different aspects including costs, revenues and so on. When a company enters stock exchange, visibility will increase and financial corruption will be prevented to a great extent, Dr. Meisam Shekarisaz added. According to shekarisaz if stock exchange would be stablished in the structure of governmental and private organizations, financial circles will become more clear and positive outcomes will be achieved. Maintaining that stock exchange contributes to companies’ survival and sustainability, CEO of Pars Holding said: with the help of stock exchange, companies will no longer rely on individuals. “in this situation collective interests come up and since shareholders of the companies are different people, companies’ sustainability will increase. In normal situations where an individual is the only shareholder, companies may go out of business without that individual”, He added. Shekarisaz mentioned that entering companies into Stock exchange is an important and happy event that can play a crucial role in government’s control and supervision of country’s imports. CEO of pars Holding added: with entering into stock exchange, companies can no longer involve in tax evasion and in fact tax avoidance will be practically eliminated. He then went on to say that receiving accommodations is another positive aspect of getting into stock exchange. It means that if those companies need different bank facilities increase the visibility of their activities, they can easily develop their projects by having these accommodations. Dr.shekarisaz as an entrepreneur believes that business valuation is another benefit of Stock exchange. With valuation, the brand of the company for which the founder may have suffered a lot will exist even after transferring the business ownership to another person. “sometimes companies spend years to educate their staff and when the ownership is transferred to another company, the valuation report is only about their supplies and facilities and their human resource has been often neglected.

    However, if the same company enters the stock exchange, its brand will remain and a logical valuation will be carried out” he added. CEO of Pars Holding expressed his regret over Iran’s not having considered this any sooner and asserted that in fact, stock exchange is of crucial importance. Pointing out that in Canada even small businesses enter stock exchange and everything is completely visible, shekarisaz said: nevertheless, in our country most of industrial companies and automobile manufacturers and other parties are running by private sectors which is a major weakness. With regard to the question that whether he is also on the opinion that the current index is a kind of stock exchange bubble, he answered: yes, it is true and the reason is that an enormous volume of liquidity has entered stock exchange and caused some concerns as well. Shekarisaz Highlighted that stock exchange itself has no grounds to worry about and acts like a double edged knife that can be used either correctly or inappropriately. “what is now happening in our stock exchange is that many companies that have no significant growth in the last three months, have seen their value increased considerably and the reason is this enormous volume of liquidity that has entered stock exchange. I am totally positive about stock exchange but the threatening part of it is that sometimes profiteers and swindlers profit from the troubled situation of the market” Dr.shekarisaz said. Pars Holding Chief Executive Officer warned that these swindlers are fishing in troubled waters and entice people to buy shares they want to sell and said: Generally, the supply and demand rule is there and when demands for something increases, the price shoot up and people think they are making a profit. He also added that increased demand will inevitably result in increased prices and in this situations some people buy shares in order to set a trend. Then they sell whole shares When their profit realizes and as a result inflict a serious loss to many others. Irritating that even in order to become a successful driver one needs proper trainings let alone functioning in stock exchange, shekarisaz said: fundamental and technical trainings are essential for people who wish to enter this market and it is sad to see that many bankrupted firms have a substantial share of the market without doing something special. “during several meetings with the minister of economic affairs and finance, it has been agreed that people have to participate in some special training courses before they can collect their exchange identification code. This was a suggestion and I hope to achieve necessary success in this regard” shekarisaz explained. He stressed that all firms that enjoy a powerful private support will become successful in stock exchange. Having Unfair sanctions and decreased oil sales ahead, we have no choice but to concentrate on our domestic potentials. “if all the governmental and private firms are directed in the right path and enter stock exchange actively, we will enjoy an atmosphere similar to that of developed countries and Iran stock exchange will have a bright future. With regard to entering knowledge enterprises to stock exchange Dr.Shekarisaz asserts that these firms have a unique face in the market and since the world is moving toward an economy with high value added and limited materials, entering such firms into stock exchange leads to improved efficiency. In his concluding remark Dr.shekarisaz noted that proving a framework within which elites create exchange requirements and proceed to enter into over-the-counter (OTC)exchange, can lead to a promising future for them.

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